

Victory offers adults of all ages a variety of opportunities to grow in their faith and be equipped to minister to our community. Scroll down to learn about the many ministry areas available at Victory for adults of all ages and stages of life.

Women’s Morning Break

Women’s Morning Break is an opportunity for Victory’s women and their friends to spend time in fellowship with one another and hear gospel-centered messages directed to women. A typical event will include a message from a guest speaker, as well as time gathered around tables for group activities, games and refreshments. This ministry is open to women of all ages at Victory. It is a great place to get to know other women in the church and grow in your walk with Christ.

Women’s Morning Break meets at the church at 9:30am on the 4th Saturday morning of each month from October to May (excluding December).

Women’s Circle

Women’s Circle is an intergenerational community of women who support and encourage one another to live godly lives in Christ Jesus. The Women’s Circle includes a time of Bible study, fellowship and prayer with other women. During the study, we provide supervised daycare for children so young mothers can join in the study without distraction. Our childcare also provides Bible learning curriculum for children during this time. It is a great opportunity to get to know women of all ages within the church and grow together.

This ministry meets at the church every Tuesday morning at 9:30am from September to June, with occasional events in the summer.

Men’s Prayer

This ministry is open to men of all ages at Victory. We meet for prayer every Tuesday morning from 6:45am until 7:30am both online and in-person at the church. While the Men’s Prayer meeting is a time devoted to prayer, it is also a group where men care for each other and support one another. We take time to pray for each other, as well as pray for our church, our pastors, our missionaries, our wives and families and those on the prayer list (and those who are not). It is a great place to get to know other men in the church, and lift your family and community up in prayer.

Men United

This ministry is open to men of all ages at Victory. Men United helps men stay grounded in their faith, while connecting them to a community of Christian men. We meet once a month and alternate between activity based events and “meal and a message” events. Both events occur in the morning of the first Saturday of each month. Activity based events are typically held off-site and may consist of disc golf, bowling, hiking, etc. “Meal and a message” events consist of a breakfast at a local restaurant followed by fellowship and a message at the church.

Changing Times

Changing Times is an opportunity for mid-life singles or married couples to gather for fellowship, encouragement and support. A typical meeting will take place at a local restaurant, where we will share a meal with one another. Occasionally throughout the year, we will organize special events in the area.

This ministry meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm.

Victory Tours

Victory Tours provides an opportunity for seniors and retirees to enjoy wholesome entertainment while developing spiritual friendships with one another. Tours are most often day trips to local venues in Southern Ontario to enjoy musical or theatrical productions, followed by dinner with one another. We have also organized trips for Christian teaching and education. Look forward to upcoming events posted in the church calendar and in the weekly bulletin.